Once you pick the Biotic or Skill you want to use, just be sure you are targeting the opponent or teammate you want it to be applied to, they will be highlighted in red. Just use the thumbstick to scroll around, and hit the corresponding buttong to see more info if you need to know what they do. Once the wheel is up you can see all the abilities available to you and your teammates. Be sure you’re leveling up and focusing on unlocking these as you do if you want to use them more in combat. This will bring up the Powers wheel where you can select either Biotics, Skills, or Abilities that you or your teammates have unlocked.

To access the Skills, Biotics, and Abilities menu during combat all you need to do is hold the right bumper on Xbox One or Series X/S, or R1 on PS4/PS5. In fact, it doesn’t really change much between Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3, with the later games just giving you more quick-use options. Whatever they’re called, and whatever class you are the way you use all of these things stays the same. Soldiers, for example will unlock certain skills that deal tons of damage or give their guns a boost. Skills, Powers, or Abilities as they are often interchangably called are similar but operate outside of the Biotic mechanic. If you’re of the Biotic class or one that has these abilities then you will be able to unlock and wield powerful attacks and buffs for your team.

Biotics are basically the Mass Effect equivalent to magic powers in other RPGs. How to Use Skills, Biotics, and Abilities in Mass Effect Legendary Editionīefore we break down exactly how to use skills, biotics, and abilities across the Mass Effect games we should quickly explain what these are. To help, here’s how to use skills, biotics, and abilities in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. But the games aren’t the best at explaining how these things work in the actual game.

These powerful attacks and abilities will give you a distinct edge in battle, whether they’re being used by Shepard or one of his/her team. Featuring a micture of action and RPG elements, all three games in Mass Effect Legendary Editionoffer players a selection of skills, biotics, and abilities to use against their enemies.